December 20th, 2022

Transitioning to a nursing home can be a delicate process, especially for people who are emotionally attached to their homes. But a nursing home may be the best place for your loved one to receive the best care. Your loved one will be in the hands of dedicated staff and have access to helpful amenities.
Follow these steps for putting your loved one in a nursing home.
1. Know When a Nursing Home Is Necessary
Seniors often battle serious medical challenges that can affect their ability to live a normal life. Still, knowing the appropriate time to select long-term caregiving is a challenge. Usually, you have to be on the lookout for behavioral, mental, and physical signs that the person needs full-time care. These signs include when a person becomes a danger to themselves or others.
A common sign includes the senior falling down several times daily and suffering multiple injuries. Another sign is when the person receives frequent emergency care due to failing health. Also, be on the lookout for the inability to complete basic daily tasks due to cognitive impairment. Unfortunately, most people delay putting their loved ones in a nursing home until something bad happens.
2. Decide What Services Are Required
If possible, talk to your loved one to identify their needs. Prioritize their wishes but keep in mind that they may not understand the severity of the situation. Once you get all the information, identify the right type of care for your loved one.
Here is a checklist of common services that your loved one may need.
Companionship, especially during recreational activities
Proper nutrition, such as meal preparation and feeding
Personal care like oral hygiene, bathing, grooming, and dressing
The nature of services may change with time depending on your loved one’s changing needs.
3. Select the Best Facility
After deciding to put your loved one into a nursing facility, you must determine the appropriate facility. Each nursing home has different care options, and your chosen facility depends on your loved one's needs. For example, a functional and active person can move into an independent senior living community. In contrast, a person with medical challenges may do better at a skilled nursing facility.
4. Complete the Application
The next step is applying for admission to the nursing facility. During the application, the nursing home will demand several types of paperwork. You may have to submit medical history paperwork, financial documents, and identification materials. Other required documents may include paperwork for a health care proxy and a power of attorney.
Once the nursing home receives all the information, they will assess the suitability of your loved one to stay in their facility. Generally, the nursing home will determine whether you have enough finances to afford the nursing home services. The evaluation also checks if the staff in the nursing facility can adequately care for your loved one.
5. Move Into the Nursing Home
If the nursing home accepts your application, you can move your loved one into the facility. Provide clear explanations to your loved one and seek help from friends and family.
Help the person pack their belongings and give them time to say goodbye to close acquaintances. After moving in, you can help your loved one unpack and decorate their new home.
Here are some things that can help your loved one settle in.
Frequent visits from friends and family to provide comfort
Items that the person may have collected over their lifetime
Favorite newspapers, books, magazines, and music
While the first days may be hard for your loved one, they will soon become used to the nursing home.
If you're looking for a nursing home, select Haven in Allyn Assisted Living. We offer hands-on living and skilled nursing services for older adults. Our services include end-of-life care, hospice care, and nursing services. Contact us for more information.